right of passage

I was watching Ellen yesterday (one from last week… yes I dvr her too, love me some Ellen) and when Colin Farrel, after giving her a big smooch on the lips, congratulated her on her recent marriage, she just lit up.  The pure joy that came over her face was infectious.

Watching her, in that moment, it occurred to me that here in California, we have an opportunity, a duty, in next week’s election to uphold that joy for her.  And for the thousands of others that are fortunate enough to have found their soul mate in someone of the same sex.

Marriage is an important, revered rite of passage in our society.  To deny any person that right is quite simply – unjust.

I look at my daughters and, not knowing who they will fall in love with someday, my heart breaks to think that they might be denied the joy and jubilation of a wedding and subsequent marital bliss. Or that they might feel shame and guilt for who they are because our laws tell them they are not as equal as the person next to them.  I would never want that for one of my daughters nor for any other human being.  I want them to learn that love is the most powerful, precious gift in the world.  Regardless of who it’s between.  You are lucky to find it, lucky to give it and lucky to get it.

Equality for all.  Vote No on Prop 8.

I’m Mama Mary and I approve this message.
